It’s time to transform your creative ideas into a profitable digital product business!

You’ve seen all the hype online about making money with digital products – maybe you’ve even bought a few yourself – and now you’re pumped to get your own thing going. But oh boy, whichever way you slice it, the excitement and potential for success can also bring about a lot of questions and doubts:

  • Do I have enough creativity?  It feels like every “great” idea I have is just a shadow of something already out there.
  • Can I find the time? My schedule is already bursting at the seams and I’m not sure how I’ll fit this in.
  • Is the technical setup beyond me? Every time someone mentions “digital downloads” or “payment processors,” I feel like I’m in a foreign country and the language barrier is real.

After creating hundreds of digital products, serving over 30,000 happy customers, and generating millions in sales….

I can say with 100% certainty that selling digital products has radically changed my life and the lives of my children (and hopefully generations to come).

Today, the real problem for most women is that they’ve been fed a bunch of bogus, misleading information making it seem like launching a shop is way more complicated than it needs to be.
But I’m here to tell you the key to cutting through the noise is having a streamlined approach that eliminates guesswork and minimizes stress.

With the right guidance and clear plan, you can navigate the digital product landscape with confidence… and (dare I say it?) change your life.

So, where are you on this journey?

Are you….

The Imaginative Hobbyist

Your spirit soars when you’re crafting, drawing, writing, or capturing the world through photography. You’re finally ready to transform your skills into a steady stream of passive income, all from the comfort of your home. Sure, the tech stuff might seem like a giant mountain of “what ifs” and “how-tos,” but you know you’ve got it!

fun fact:

Been there! I turned my own scrapbooking hobby into a vibrant online business, all from the comfort of my home! studio.

The Strategic Side Hustler

Hours spent scrolling through Facebook and TikTok have ignited a fire within you. You’re ready to supplement your income, not in the distant future, but NOW. You’re not afraid of a little hustle; in fact, you thrive on it. You’re ready to learn, ready to grow, and oh so ready to see your bank balance reflect your hard work and ambition.

fun fact:

True story—I was once glued to youtube, learning from every video I could, just like you. Now, I turn what I learn into real profits!

The Rising Entrepreneur

Just as you start sailing smoothly, life decides to shake things up, be it through personal ups and downs or those algorithm updates that nobody asked for. Occasionally, you may feel like giving up, but with the right cheerleader by your side, you’ll overcome the challenges, and your efforts today will pay dividends for years to come.

fun fact:

I get it. Life has thrown me lots of curveballs, but looking back, each challenge was a stepping stone to the next level of success!

Your opportunities are endless with

The Digital Shop Sprint Academy

Two courses with user-friendly templates and straightforward how-to’s, tutorials, and behind-the-scenes tips to make selling digital products easy. Together, these courses are the powerful one-two combo you need to earn passive income for years to come.

I’ve learned that you only need to master ONE easy-peasy, repeatable system to achieve massive success.

Follow this system over and over again, and you’ll be well on your way to earning passive income for years to come.

Sound Good? Let’s do this:


Up what you’ll offer


your digital products


your products seamlessly

Let’s take a look at your 3 options to go from IDEA to ACTION… and fast!

Digital Shop Sprint Academy:
Dream Big, Design Boldly, Deliver Digitally

Digital Shop Sprint Academy:
WooCommerce Expert Shop Setup & Scale System

Digital Shop Sprint Academy:
Discounted Bundle With Both Courses Included

Digital Shop Sprint Academy:
Dream Big, Design Boldly, Deliver Digitally

The Big Picture

Kick off your journey by gaining a comprehensive understanding of the digital shop landscape. This module covers everything from business models and branding to tech stack essentials. Learn how to align your vision with a strategic plan that sets you up for success. With expert guidance, you’ll map out your journey from hobbyist to a thriving digital shop owner, understanding the pivotal role each module plays in your success story.

Product Creation

Transform your creative ideas into digital products that sell like hotcakes. Dive into this module to learn the ins and outs of creating a wide variety of digital goods, from ebooks to digital planners, printables, and everything in between. Take on the exhilarating challenge of producing “30 Products in 30 Days” and turn your passion into profit using Canva, Photoshop, or your preferred creative tools.

Preparation for Selling

Before you open your virtual doors, ensure your products are perfectly packaged and ready for the spotlight. This module teaches you how to organize your digital files, create compelling product images and descriptions, and price your products for maximum profitability. By the end, you’ll have a catalog of irresistible digital products, primed to impress your target audience and convert browsers into buyers.

Driving Traffic & Sales to Your Shop

Master the art of marketing and bring a steady stream of eager customers to your digital storefront. Learn proven strategies for driving organic and paid traffic, building a loyal email list, and leveraging affiliate marketing to expand your reach. Discover how to create irresistible offers, harness social media, and optimize your shop’s SEO to skyrocket your visibility and sales.

Customer Service Experience

A stellar customer service experience is the cornerstone of a thriving digital shop. This module shows you how to handle customer inquiries, refunds, and disputes like a pro. Learn to manage licensing, streamline your support channels, and create a customer-centric environment that turns one-time buyers into loyal fans. Plus, get insider tips on reducing negative reviews and maintaining a stellar reputation.

Your First Product – Start to Finish

Start strong by following a step-by-step guide to creating, packaging, and selling your first digital product. From brainstorming your idea to finalizing the design, setting up your shop, and driving traffic to make that first sale, this module equips you with everything you need to kickstart your digital shop journey. With hands-on exercises, templates, and expert insights, you’ll confidently launch your first product and pave the way for future success.

Ready to Launch Your Digital Shop Journey?

Start with the comprehensive guidance and hands-on exercises in the Digital Shop Sprint Academy. Build your shop, launch your first product, and confidently drive traffic and sales with our expert-led curriculum.

Enroll Now and take the leap towards a profitable digital business.

Digital Shop Sprint Academy:
WooCommerce Expert Shop Setup & Scale System

Getting Started with WooCommerce

Begin your WooCommerce journey by mastering the essentials. This module provides detailed setup instructions, from installing WooCommerce to configuring core settings like payments, shipping, and advanced options. Learn how to align your WooCommerce setup with your digital product strategy and ensure your shop is ready to accept orders seamlessly.

Designing your Shop

Craft a visually stunning shop that reflects your brand identity and resonates with your target audience. Learn how to customize your shop’s layout, navigation, and product pages using the powerful features built into WooCommerce. This module will guide you through creating a custom shop page, designing attractive product listings, and implementing intuitive navigation for a user-friendly experience.

Specific How-To’s

Find answers to all your technical questions with this module’s collection of practical tutorials. Learn how to manage product reviews, set up cross-sells and upsells, create product bundles, and manage customer orders effectively. These specific how-to guides provide the clarity and direction needed to tackle common WooCommerce challenges with ease.

Marketing & WooCommerce

Elevate your WooCommerce shop’s marketing game with advanced techniques. Learn how to integrate your email marketing provider, add tags to products for better visibility, and create effective discount coupons. Discover how to offer special discounts for returning customers, explore affiliate marketing strategies, and connect WooCommerce with popular marketing platforms to maximize traffic and conversions.

Code Snippets

Enhance your WooCommerce shop with custom code snippets designed to improve functionality and user experience. From enabling Gutenberg compatibility to customizing product display options, this module offers easy-to-follow instructions for implementing powerful customizations. Don’t let the word “code” scare you… you’ll find these snippets simple to apply and highly effective.

Bonus Tech Tutorials

Go beyond the basics with a series of bonus tutorials that cover special topics like selling mini-workshops, securing your first sale, and more. Learn how to build a comprehensive support section, implement advanced marketing strategies, and add a shop mega menu. These tutorials will help you refine your WooCommerce shop and stay ahead of the competition.

Ready to experience a hassle-free shop setup with insider guidance on designing the best product pages, streamlining the checkout process, and providing top-notch customer service?

Digital Shop Sprint Academy:
Dream Big, Design Boldly, Deliver Digitally

Digital Shop Sprint Academy:
WooCommerce Expert Shop Setup & Scale System

Digital Shop Sprint Academy:
Discounted Bundle with Both

Don’t think you can make a full-time income from digital products? Think again.

Earning $3k, $7k, or even $10k per month consistently is absolutely achievable.

Don’t believe me…

the proof is in the puddin’ baby…

It’s time to design a future that feels more like playing & less like work with a pro by your side

I’m Lauren, a seasoned Website Designer, WordPress Developer, and Digital Shop Owner

My journey began in 2008 when I launched Restored 316, driven by a need to stay home with my newborn daughter and keep the roof over our heads.

I started with creating website templates for a software back then called Shoppe Pro (you’re a serious online OG if you remember this software), while also offering custom design services. 

However, the desire to have more control over my time and income led me to shift focus entirely to digital products. This transition wasn’t just about managing my time better as a mother—it was about breaking away from the income limitations of hourly work and embracing a scalable, ecommerce business model that allowed me to serve more customers and generate passive income.

Now, with over 16 years of experience, I’m here to share all the lessons I’ve learned. In the Digital Shop Sprint Academy, I’ll guide you through the process of launching your own digital shop, providing you with insider knowledge and strategies that have helped me build a profitable multi-six-figure brand. 

No matter where you are on this journey, I want you to know that you can do this!

Age is Just a Number: Meet Emily, The 15-year-old Digital Product Shop Owner

Emily completed the Digital Shop Sprint Academy, and her story proves that age is just a number when it comes to building a profitable digital product shop. At just 15 years old, Emily sells digital crochet patterns and has already made over 150 sales! Her success story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the effectiveness of the tutorials taught in the Digital Shop Sprint Academy.  Please don’t let your age, niche, or anything else hold you back – today is the day to start building your dream digital product shop!

Right now, something may be holding you back…

It’s normal for doubts to creep in and mess with your mindset.

You don’t see yourself as an expert. You don’t think you have value to offer. You have no idea what you would even sell. Or worse yet, someone else is already doing what you want to do.
But let me tell you… there’s a goldmine of knowledge and insight deep inside of you, and it’s time to unlock it and share it with the world.
If you don’t believe me, here are the stats you need to know:

  • There are over 333 million people in the US alone and over 5 billion internet users worldwide, which means there is a HUGE potential market for your digital products.
  • eCommerce Sales Are Projected to Reach $8 Trillion by 2027 
  • For many people, shopping online is a strong habit. As many as 34% of shoppers buy something online once a week.

All of this points to one clear truth: the demand for digital products is only going to continue growing so there’s never been a better time to get started.

Could selling low-cost digital products revolutionize your financial future?

Absolutely! The money adds up little by little, with each sale giving you the confidence to keep going! 

Think about it from the perspective of your Average Order Value (AOV), which refers to the average amount of money spent by customers per transaction.  With bundles and upsells, your $10 product could become a $20… even $30 sale.  We talk about this in the Academy, but for now, let’s start with some fun math:

2 sales per day

x $19 per order

$1,140 per month

3 sales per day

x $27 per order

$2,430 per month

5 sales per day

x $29 per order

$4,350 per month

As you can see, even with just a few sales per day, the potential for earning increases significantly.  If you’re consistent, how long do you think it would take you to reach $5k per month? $7k per month? The flexibility and potential for growth are truly transformative!

And the best part is you’re creating the product ONCE and selling it MULTIPLE times. Over and over again, making the potential for profit endless.

The Digital Shop Sprint Academy is the best solution for ANYONE who wants to…

  • Gain the skills to design and create popular products like ebooks, planners, and templates.
  • Develop a strategic ecommerce business model for sustainable passive income.
  • Navigate the technical aspects of online selling with ease, even if you’re not tech-savvy.
  • Increase your financial security and independence without sacrificing all your family time.
  • Have a seasoned expert guide you through every step of the process.

If breaking through creative and technical blocks has been a challenge for you, then right now, I give you permission to step up and say, “WHY NOT ME? I CAN DO THIS!”

Here’s the cold, hard, and undeniable truth:

The trials and tribulations of launching and scaling a digital product shop are real. After creating products, you’ll also have to figure out how to:

  • Deal with negative reviews because nothing lifts the spirits quite like a stranger on the internet telling you what you did wrong.
  • Figure out how to price your products without feeling guilty, greedy, or even worse, getting zero sales and feeling like a failure.
  • Manage the time suck of customer support because it’s not all sunshine and rainbows when people are paying for your products.

Thankfully, the Digital Shop Sprint Academy includes practical worksheets to walk you through these tough decisions and help set your shop up for success.

I’ve seen courses like this selling for over $1,000…so why is the Digital Shop Sprint Academy so affordable?

Simple. I believe in empowering others and want to make this information accessible to everyone who dreams of building their own digital shop and generating passive income. Plus, I’ve been in your shoes and know what it’s like to have a limited budget as a new entrepreneur. With three options, I’ve made it as accessible and flexible as possible to fit your needs.

Take the stress out of figuring out what works and what doesn’t.

Learn directly from a seasoned designer who knows the ins and outs of creating successful products that people will pay top dollar for.

In the Digital Shop Sprint, you’ll learn how to create:




Clipart & Seamless Patterns

Printable & Digital Planners

Coloring Books

Get a Head Start and Save on the Kadence Boutique Theme!

We’ve got something special for you! When you join the Digital Shop Sprint Academy, you’ll get early access and a fantastic 20% discount on the newest Restored 316 Kadence Theme. Boutique is tailor-made for e-commerce websites, ensuring your products look top-notch and ready to impress.

With 4 home page options and over 10 customized pages specifically designed for monetization, customer communication, and more, this theme is a perfect fit for your Digital Product business! Don’t miss out on the chance to get ahead and save with this exclusive offer. Enroll now in the Digital Shop Sprint Academy and take advantage of Early Access and 20% off the Kadence Boutique Theme.

“If you are just starting to think about selling Digital Products or if you’ve been selling for years, you will learn so much from the Academy!”

Wow, if you have a WooCommerce shop, this course is a MUST!! Seriously, I was skeptical that I needed help with my website because I’ve had over 160 sales, and not one of them had a problem. But this course is SO good. Literally, in every video, I have a MAJOR light bulb moment! If you are just starting to think about selling Digital Products or if you’ve been selling for years, you will learn so much from the Academy! 

Emily Christine, Sweet Creek Patterns

Choose Your Path

Digital Shop Sprint Academy Only

one time payment of


DSSA WooCommerce Tech Stack Only

one time payment of


Digital Shop Sprint Academy + WooCommerce Tech Stack Bundle

one time payment of


Or 4 payments of $147

You have questions, and we have the answers

This course was built for the beginning and the established blogger.  So it doesn’t matter where you are in your journey, if you want to learn all the ropes about creating and selling digital products, this course is for you!

This course is self paced and you can go through it however you’d like!  There are videos, links, templates, and more! While DSSA was built to go through sequentially, DSSA is also built to be an amazing resource that you can look back on throughout your process!

If you take the Digital Shop Sprint, you’ll consistently create a variety of valuable products for your customers. You’ll be able to sell your products on any platform or your own website. When you take the WooCommerce tech stack, you’ll have the knowledge and skill to customize your digital shop and handle transactions smoothly.  With the bundle, you’ll truly have the necessary tools and strategies to build a successful online business through creating and selling digital products. 

While there are no continuous charges for utilizing the course material itself, we do recommend Canva Pro, which has a small monthly fee for enhanced features. Additionally, maintaining a website, which is a core part of building a brand and delivering your digital products, involves separate expenses such as domain name registration and web hosting.  

Yes!   Being a Digital Shop Sprinter also means accessing a private channel in our Circle Community. This is where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share your progress, ask for feedback and support, and gain valuable insights from others on the same journey.  We will be actively involved in this community, providing additional support to help you succeed.

Yes!  You can access DSSA from all devices.  Though a desktop will make it much easier to see the screenshare lessons and take fast action! 

Your success as a digital product seller is our top priority. If you’ve explored all the resources, put in the hard work but are still facing challenges, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Whether it’s Lauren or Lani, we guarantee that you’ll receive a warm and swift reply to your questions and concerns. Remember, you’re not on this journey alone. We’re here every step of the way to help you leap over any obstacles and sprint towards success!

That’s a common concern, but rest assured, there are many strategies to keep your WooCommerce store running swiftly! First, invest in reliable and high-performance hosting, which lays the foundation for your site’s speed. Next, consider that Caching, Plugins, and Image Optimization all affect your site’s performance. In the WooCommerce course, we discuss the pros and cons of creating a subdomain for your store.  WooCommerce is active on 3.9 million websites so it’s safe to say it’s a well-tested and trusted platform. Enroll now, and you’ll become a WooCommerce Expert in no time!